Public Works performs all scheduled services, as well as unscheduled repairs and maintenance of all city equipment, to include:

  • 36 Automobiles and pickup trucks
  • 25 Large trucks (dumps, bucket, jet, etc.)
  • 32 Tractors and construction equipment
  • 50 Specialized equipment

Public Works also keeps an eye on the Georgia State Surplus Equipment Website and is able to pick up equipment for salvage value, recondition and use it, saving the city thousands of dollars each year. Some of the equipment obtained this way includes a street sweeper, forklift, and a lowboy trailer. These pieces of equipment would have cost over $150,000 if purchased new, but they have been obtained and reconditioned for less than $15,000 and are currently being used.


The Street Department has two crews that collect miscellaneous junk (i.e., furniture, bedding, small appliances, etc.) and yard debris (i.e., limbs, leaves, trimmings). These items must be separated at the curb as these items are not picked up by the same truck. The crews do not have specified days to collect certain items; they just continually cover the routes and collect as needed.


Another crew handles the maintenance of the streets, storm drains, and rights of way. During the summer months, they do the mowing and herbicide spraying in order to maintain the rights of way within the city limits of Jackson. They also help maintain the electric and water/sewer rights of way with the "forest-cutter." This machine will cut small trees and brush, mulching the debris, therefore being eco-friendly. This crew maintains and replaces storm drains and cross drains. The city of Jackson also does its own paving of city streets.


Greg Tallman


Phone: 770-775-3198

211 Alabama Boulevard
Jackson, GA 30233